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  • Party outfits: Christmas & New Year

    Party outfits: Christmas & New Year

    Are you looking for what to wear for the holidays? This is the place to do it! Little dress for Christmas Eve or glittery outfit for New Year's Eve, Cinelle has concocted a selection of party outfits for you to be on fleek whatever your style is!

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  • 10 Tips contre le bad mood de l'hiver

    10 Tips contre le bad mood de l'hiver

    Ça y est l'hiver s'est installé parmi nous… Le froid est maintenant là et les arbres ont perdu leurs feuilles, le bad mood hivernal fais lui aussi son apparition... Découvre nos 10 tips pour lutter contre le bad mood de l'hiver !

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  • Style School Girl : les pièces incontournables

    Style School Girl : les pièces incontournables

    Parce qu’on est fan du style écolière hyper trendy en ce moment, on t’a concocté une sélection des pièces must-have pour adopter le look school girl !

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  • Full Package Halloween

    Full Package Halloween

    J-19 avant halloween ! Eh oui, nous sommes déjà au mois d’octobre et qui dit octobre dit Halloween ! On kiffe cet évènement qui lie créatures et contes mystiques à l’esthétique des déguisements et de la représentation de ce dernier.

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  • Brunch : bonnes adresses et tenues adaptées

    Brunch : bonnes adresses et tenues adaptées

    WARNING BON PLAN ! Pour les Lyonnaises et Food Lovers (dont l'équipe Cinelle fait partie), on sait d’avance que cet article saura retenir toute votre attention. On vous partage régulièrement des posts sur les réseaux sociaux avec des plats hyper gourmands, mais cette fois, on a décidé d’aller encore plus loin !

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  • Le style streetwear : les pièces indispensables

    Le style streetwear : les pièces indispensables

    À toutes celles qui souhaitent adopter le style streetwear, voici toutes les pièces indispensables de cet aesthetic mode hyper trendy. À toi les outfits stylés dignes de tes tableaux Pinterest préférés.

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  • Throwback shooting Summer Collection

    Throwback shooting Summer Collection

    We loved our Summer 2022 shoot so much that we thought it was important to share our best photos and tips in this Throwback article.

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  • Mother's Day: 4 matchy-matchy outfits

    Mother's Day: 4 matchy-matchy outfits

    Mother's Day is fast approaching... You only have a few days left to find the perfect gift for the most beautiful woman in the world. Cinelle has just the thing for the occasion! The matcy-matchy outfits to go out in perfect harmony both.

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    Ready to go in California... Let's go for an unforgettable experience in the heart of one of the biggest and most stylish music festivals! If you have the chance to go there, this article will help you to be on fleek all weekend.

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  • The 5 must-have jackets for spring

    The 5 must-have jackets for spring

    Here we are at last, spring! We love this season so much. After the winter's greyness, the sun is coming back and we like it, on the contrary. It's time for outdoor activities, walks in the park, sports sessions outside, drinks on the terrace, picnics... And for all these activities, how to dress up?

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  • COLOR BLOCK: Fashionable looks for 2022

    COLOR BLOCK: Fashionable looks for 2022

    Always more colors, that's what we want! Fuuull colors looks: we LOVE it! At the moment, it is really trendy and we see more and more ultra colored outfits on social networks. One of the most hot stars in this kind of outfits is obviously our Queen Léna Situations!

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  • Valentine's Day: ideas for looks, gifts, date (couples and singles)

    Valentine's Day: ideas for looks, gifts, date (couples and singles)

    "What gifts to give on Valentine's Day?", "What activities for a Valentine's Day?" Whether you're in a relationship or single, Cinelle doesn't forget anyone! We've put together a selection of looks, gifts and activities for a successful Valentine's Day!

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Showing 13 to 24 of 45 (4 Pages)